Feb 4, 2008

Feb.3 : pass a restless night

I passed a restless night.. I shall need to put things in perspective.

Feb 2, 2008

After ELS lesson

After ELS lesson, I took a direct route back home because I shall work for new project in my room.(I can connect to my company network by internet.) I'm making flowchart and desk procedure about other dept. part. If I don't hard work it now, I get bloodied later. And my role is SWG business control. I'm working it around the same time that I'm studying it.

Feb 1, 2008

Get up early today.

I had to get up early today because I shall change the status in SAP for new project. I got up at 5:00 and I was working till 6:30. I went to mt office, I shall attend some meeting today. Integrity kickoff meeting, New process meeting and etc. and I shall make a universe of Jan. SOX Test. Too tight!!